About Us

About Us

The New Hampshire Bed & Breakfast Association was formed in 2002 on the 22nd of February. The goal of the NHBBA is to promote awareness of bed & breakfasts and small inns to the public, and to seek out new members.

The mission statement of the New Hampshire Bed & Breakfast Association (NHBBA) is to promote awareness and be the voice for the bed & breakfast segment of the tourism industry in New Hampshire. We provide convenient methods for travelers to find a quality bed & breakfast experience in New Hampshire.

The NHBBA consists of approximately 40 member B&Bs, who provide exceptional hospitality and service, located throughout the seven tourism regions of the state. While each member B&B is unique, all meet the same standards, such as having a food service license, a NH Meals & Rentals Tax license, and complying with applicable local, county, state and federal regulations.

NHBBA Board Officers

NHBBA Board Officers


President – Margit Eder

Ash Street Inn, Manchester, NH (2023 - 2026)

President – Margit Eder

Ash Street Inn, Manchester NH (2023 – 2026)

Vice President – Alison Regan

Henniker House B&B, Henniker NH (2021 – 2024)

Vice President – Alison Regan

Henniker House B&B, Henniker NH (2021 – 2024)

Secretary – Kevin LaSella

Nutmeg Inn, Meredith NH (2023 - 2026)

Secretary – Kevin LaSella

Nutmeg Inn, Meredith NH (2023 – 2026)

Treasurer – Heidi Milbrand

  Pleasant View Inn, Bristol, NH (2023 - 2026)

Treasurer – Heidi Milbrand

Pleaseant View Inn, Bristol NH (2023 – 2026)

At Large Board Members

At Large Board Members


Lucy Nichols

Riverland on the Merrimack, Canterbury, NH

Lucy Nichols

Riverland on the Merrimack, Canterbury NH